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SUAN Conceptual Design GmbH
Güterstrasse 233, 4053 Basel, Switzerland, 
+41 (0) 61 681 60 09, info@suan.ch, Imprint, Privacy Policy

More than a logo.

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Apple’s bitten apple or Milka’s purple cow have done it: Their branding has become firmly established in people’s minds. Strong brands are more important today than ever. Web-centricity is advancing in all areas of life. This results in ever-increasing global competition – from which companies must set themselves apart with their brand and corporate identity. If service and product quality are right, they must also be reflected in the brand-building elements of the company’s appearance.

Within seconds we unconsciously evaluate a brand when we come into contact with it. This includes the visual impression and increasingly also the user-friendliness of applications such as mobile apps. This makes it all the more important to work together with an agency in order to attract attention through strong, professional branding. Be it to stand out from the mass of offers or to convey values and emotions. Positive feelings for a brand ensure that customers remain loyal to it in the long term and at best even recommend it to others. The perfect symbiosis of brand strategy, corporate design and brand experience makes the decisive difference. Branding is more than just a logo.

Branding project ahead?

Brand strategy.
It’s all about the story.

Every person is unique. This is also true for companies. They represent personal values and live their own culture. It gets interesting when brands tell their story. But how does it read? The brand strategy provides the answer. It is the first step in developing a vision for the brand environment. At the start of which stands a joint workshop with the client.

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Corporate design.
The first impression counts.

Over 70 percent of all perception is visual. So for the perfect brand presence, a corporate design that stays in mind is needed. The first impression counts. This also applies to brands and their corporate identity. In the end, it is the brand that people trust.

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Brand experience.
Living the brand.

Special experiences linger in the memory. For a brand to have maximum impact, it must also leave an emotional impression. This can be achieved if it happens in all channels relevant to the target group. Again and again. And over and over again. The brand experience remains exciting when websites, mobile apps or the social media strategy within the corporate identity repeatedly provide surprise moments.

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Brand new.

iF Design Ranking.
Suan takes second place.

Our agency is proud to announce that we have been ranked as the second-place design agency in Switzerland in the prestigious iF Design Ranking. With a total of 11 design awards won between 2015 and 2024, we have established ourselves as one of the most successful design studios in the country. A look back and an outlook.

iF Award 2024.
You are We is winning!

You Are We's offering is innovative and digital, and should be perceived as such. We accompanied the branding from the claim to the stationery to the web design, which was finalized in collaboration with the UX design studio Kontour.

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