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SUAN Conceptual Design GmbH
Güterstrasse 233, 4053 Basel, Switzerland, 
+41 (0) 61 681 60 09, info@suan.ch, Imprint, Privacy Policy

We are Suan Conceptual Design, the agency for brand strategy, graphic design and visual communication in Basel. For our clients, we create new worlds, convey messages and create brand experiences. At the tri-border region, with its historically grown symbiosis of business and culture, we are operating in a dynamic and networked business location, benefiting from experience gained in various industries.

With our focus on context and conceptual thinking, we reflect culture, technology and nature. This inspires us to create functional as well as aesthetic solutions. We are convinced that as a result of digitization creativity is becoming more and more important, and that the flood of information means that holistic communication and a well thought-out corporate design are gaining more priority. Together we take you and your brand where you want to be. For this we have already received several international awards.

What we do.

Brand strategy

Analysis, research
Brand values
Naming, claiming
Brand architecture


Brand design
Corporate design
Corporate language
Design guidelines

Graphic design

Editorial design
Interaction design
Web design
Poster design
Print media


Listings, ads
Key visuals
Digital media

How we work.

With the help of different techniques and strategies, we mark off areas of conflict and work out the right questions together with our customers. At that we analyze all touch points and show dormant lying potential. The essence of our conceptual process is to reduce complex issues contextually. The joy of experimenting forms the basis of our design, but to implement good ideas adequately in all media requires uncomplicated design parameters. By connecting, arranging and implementing the individual elements, new worlds emerge.


Für wen wir arbeiten.

Applied Chemicals International AG, Artachment, Atana Engineering GmbH, aufgetischt GmbH, Augusta Raurica, Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, Basellandschaftliche Pensionskasse, Bildungslandschaft Bläsi, Black Forest Percussion Group, BLPK, Bricks AG, Bury|Walz GmbH, certus diagnostics, Coop, Creadi AG, Deck AG, Domicile & Co. AG, Ellinghaus & Söhne, END, Eryse AG, Ethelred AG, Forum Trinkwasser e.V., Freie Gemeinschaftsbank, FUBAG, Gewerbeverband Basel-Stadt, GGG Basel, Helvetiq, Hochschule Luzern, Idee und Klang, InterGGA, JCI Basel, Jubla, Juice Plus+, Kanton Basel-Landschaft, Kanton Basel-Stadt, Klinik Sonnenhalde, Kanton Solothurn, kpunktnewton, kreaB, Literaturecho, localholic GmbH, Merian Gärten, MS Evolutie, NIU Form, Novartis, OCC Assekuradeur GmbH, Open Interactive, Pantex AG, Perrig AG, Physiotherapie Halter, Polizei Basel-Landschaft, Primovis AG, Privera AG, Radicalis GmbH, Radix Meier, Resonance GmbH, Reto Häfliger, Rotstift AG, Safer Networking Ltd, Schweizer Salinen, Startup Academy, Stiftung SENS, Superdraft Studio GmbH, Swico, TEKO, UBS Fundmanagement, Universität Basel, Universität Zürich, Velux, Werner Druck und Medien, WGN, Wieland AG, Xamplo, YouAreWe GmbH, you/engineering AG, ZHAW
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