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SUAN Conceptual Design GmbH
Güterstrasse 233, 4053 Basel, Switzerland, 
+41 (0) 61 681 60 09, info@suan.ch, Imprint, Privacy Policy

The signs are pointing to rebranding.
How you recognize them.

#Brand Strategy
#Corporate Design

A rebranding is a strategic step. It is a bold sign of change, and goes beyond changing the logo. Rebranding is equally a question of financial resources. The development of the brand strategy and brand identity is followed by the implementation of all brand touchpoints. This costs money. Choosing the right time to rebrand makes sense and adds value. But when is it the right time?

1. Outdated external appearance

Brands are like people. They have a life cycle. They change. When a brand shows itself in 20-year-old clothes, it stands out. It is perceived as no longer up-to-date. It is appropriate to update the brand technically as well as culturally according to the spirit of the times.

2. Growth

Growth often goes hand in hand with internationalization. Increased sales, new markets, new countries and new languages bring about a fundamental change. This process is a typical time for the realignment of a brand, including the sharpening of the vision and mission. Adding a niche brand to the brand identity or localizing (fine-tuning to local conditions) the brand is possible.

3. Competitiveness

A sharpened appearance and a clear line contribute to strengthened competitiveness. They boost the image and influence the brand perception among customers and competitors. The brand increases competitiveness.

4. Design-Chaos

A lack of clarity in the brand image causes confusion, both internally and among customers. A clear line creates trust, consistency and recognition. Sensible processes and solid documentation help eliminate design chaos.

5. Wrong brand image

Whether through their own fault or that of others, a false external perception or bad reputation is a classic motivator for rebranding. We're curious to see if beer brand Corona will break new ground with the Covid 19 pandemic by rebranding, or if it will take its naming as an opportunity.

6. M&A: Merger or company takeover

When the old way has come to an end and there is a new future to shape with a clear vision and drive, a rebranding provides orientation. It accompanies the cultural change of companies and is groundbreaking in the identity formation of the new organization. Branding often serves as a unifying and confidence-building element in a new context that is usually characterized by confusion and uncertainty.

7. Digital brand management

The requirements for digital brand management have changed fundamentally as a result of increasing digitization. The portfolio of virtual brand touchpoints is growing steadily. The shift from static to moving images brings new design challenges. The composition of logo, typography, page grid, imagery, text tonality, sound, motion, navigation, interaction and architecture creates digital brand experiences.

8. Positioning

We live in a world of oversupply with a lot of “marketing noise”. It is important to narrow and clearly define the focus of the brand. Broad-based brands deliberately create specialized and focused micro-brands to gain relevance to specific audiences. The goal of positioning is to occupy a dominant position in the perception of the clientele.

9. Employer Branding

A high level of awareness and a positive perception contribute to the attractiveness of the employer brand. Employer branding is aimed at inspiring existing and potential employees, as well as other stakeholders, to contribute their skills in the best interests of the company.

Rebranding checklist

See and recognize rebranding opportunities - with this in mind, we have compiled a rebranding checklist. Do any of the items apply to your brand? If so, which ones?

1. The brand name does not reflect the brand vision.

2. You're embarrassed to share the company's business card or website.

3. The brand does not stand out from the competition.

4. The brand has become too complicated or diffuse.

5. The business model or strategy has changed.

6. The company has outgrown the brand.

7. The company is going through a merger, acquisition or corporate succession.

8. The brand has entered new or expanded markets and regions.

9. The brand wants to get rid of a negative image.

10. The brand is trying unsuccessfully to increase its prices.

11. The brand wants to reach new target groups.

12. The brand wants to attract top talent.

If one or more of the items on the rebranding checklist apply to your brand, the signs are pointing to change. SUAN develops brands, designs for the discerning and designs for the like-minded.

Rebranding on the agenda?
We are happy to help.

Your company is facing new challenges? A new product is in the starting blocks? Do you want to strengthen your company's brand image in the new year? We are always available for consultation on all branding and design topics and look forward to your inquiries.


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