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SUAN Conceptual Design GmbH
Güterstrasse 233, 4053 Basel, Switzerland, 
+41 (0) 61 681 60 09, info@suan.ch, Imprint, Privacy Policy

SENS City anniversary campaign.
30 years eRecycling.

SENS eRecycling celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2020. Since the COVID-19 pandemic suddenly made it impossible to hold face-to-face events in the spring of 2020, SUAN took advantage of the situation and developed “SENS City” – an interactive tour of Switzerland. SENS eRecycling takes its followers and partners on a journey through the Swiss eRecycling system, visiting collection points and recyclers and providing a unique insight into the development of the Swiss circular economy. The design impresses with playful key visuals and strong branding. The campaign was launched on various digital channels and accompanied by a competition throughout. The numbers speak for themselves. With more than 24 million impressions and over 70,000 likes, the awareness of the SENS foundation was successfully increased in the anniversary year.


Web design


Web design

Using interactive visuals, the website takes visitors on a journey through Switzerland. It is also the content hub for all communication measures in the anniversary year. In addition to a newsfeed that shows the social media activities, exciting facts about eRecycling in Switzerland can be found here. In terms of design, the website impresses with targeted microanimations and a playful approach to the design elements.


Social Media

SENS’ social media channels form the core of the campaign. Over the past few years, these have been increasingly engaged in order to create a strong community. It is thanks to this community that the campaign has performed so well for a very focused topic. The community building was coordinated together with the partner agency Dreifive in Zurich. The moving image scenes and the image films were created by filmmaker Till Gmürr from Lucerne.


The numbers speak for themselves: over 24 million impressions, over 70,000 likes, more than 35,000 contest participants and over 50,000 visitors to the campaign website.

eWaste Bag

To mark the international eWaste Day, a pilot project was carried out in Zurich and Bern for the second time in the anniversary year: the eWaste Bag. With the recycling bag, participating households could conveniently deposit their defective appliances – such as drones, flashlights, blenders, hair dryers – in their mailbox, where they were picked up by the post office. The packaging of the eWaste Bag is based on the design elements of the campaign.


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